Thursday, June 4, 2009

History revised

As seems to be his wont, the President twisted history to suit his worldview in this morning's speech. First of all, most of the advancements he credited to Muslims were discovered before the advent of Islam in the 7th century; secondly, his description of the United States as one of the most prominent Muslim countries is totally off base - depending on the numbers you use for the Muslim population of the US (1.6 - 6 million practitioners, most seem to settle at 1.8m - 3m) the US is actually somwhere between 34th and 48th in Muslim population. The reality is that 80 - 85% of Americans identify themselves as Christians (which will be the subject of a future posting).

1 comment:

  1. Seems to me as if President Obama will remake history to his own liking. He will never let minor details, like facts and statistics, get in the way. Remember a lie, told often enough, literally becomes the truth in a facist state. He has no problem perpetuating lies with a willing accomplice being the mainstream media.

    Look at ABC and their exclusive in the Whitehouse this week. Giving our President a forum with no response. Obama will attempt to reinstitute the Fairness Doctrine for what reason? The entire media, with the exception of FOX, is in the tank for him already.
