Thursday, June 4, 2009

OK, I give up - NOT

I really tried to be open-minded about our President's speech this morning - after all, he said all the feel-good things about restoring relationships with the Muslim community, etc. The problem is, the Muslims, both the radicals like Al-Quaeda (excuse my spelling) and the relative moderates in the Muslim community, recognize when someone is speaking from a postion of weakness. Apologizing for the actions and attitudes of the country that has done more to protect and free the peoples of the world than any other is not exactly projecting strength. While we need to seek to find solutions that are mutually beneficial to the countries and peoples of the world, we must always negotiate from a position of strength and need to remember that America is still the shining beacon on the hill. It is insane for this country, that has done so much for the people of the world, to apologize for the perceived slights of others. The apologists here in America who seem to hate their country are beyond my comprehension; the United States of America is the best thing that ever happened in the world, and I don't understand the mindset of those who disparage her.


  1. Unfortunately the last four Presidents have been more globalist oriented than interested in the sovereignty of this country.

    It seems to me the conservatives were replaced ny the imperialist neo-cons.

    Nation building brought about the demise of Great Britan, and the Roman Empire to name a few. It may be the death of the USA if we aren't careful. Pat Buchanan, often touted as an isolationist, has written excellent books on this subject.

    As well intentioned as America has been our interventions have certainly resulted in alliances with many dictators who served our interest.

    Another example would be the support of the Mujahadeen. A former US alliance with the freedom fighters during the Cold War in Afghanistan fighting against the Soviets. These folks blossomed into Al-Quadia. They accepted our weapons willingly, but would no more accept our presence in their region than the Soviets.

    Our nation is the greatest ever. It will cease to be great when we try to become the nanny of every nation.

  2. Good points; I agree that we cannot be the nanny of every nation and that nation-building is to be avoided. However, we cannot afford the luxury of isolationism; the oceans are no longer the impenetrable frontiers that they once were. Sometimes distasteful alliances are necessary for the furthering of a greater goal; such was the case with the Mujahadeen. We supplied them with weapons, cash, and intelligence assets, and in return dealt a huge blow to the Soviets - indeed, the Soviet - Afghan war was certainly the beginning of the end of the Soviet empire. And not all of the Muj sided with Al-Quaeda - read Dalton Fury's excellent book Kill Bin Laden, which details how Muj warlords aided U.S. and British special forces in defeating the Taliban and Al-Quaeda at Tora Bora.
