Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sanford's folly

Since I am always happy to excoriate idiots on the left like Barbara Boxer and Nancy Pelosi, I welcome this opportunity to project a "fair and balanced" outlook by calling out SC Gov. Mark Sanford - head of the Republican Governor's Association, no less. To call this guy a moron would be to insult morons everywhere; I think that it is safe to say that his Presidential aspirations are toast and his political future is in dire straights. These sanctimonious hypocrites who campaign on morals and family values and the Bible piss me off just as bad - probably worse, in fact - as they do those who oppose them - and no, I have not forgotten about the actions of Louisiana Senator David Vitter, who we campaigned for in 2004. If you're gonna talk the talk, you gotta walk the walk. IDIOTS!!


  1. I think the guy intentionally committed political suicide. He tried to reject the stimulus money given by the Obama-Facist-Statist regime and the press had the goods on him.

    I would rather have an immoral conservative than a progressive representing me any day of the week. As far as hypocrisy goes, we are all hypocrites to some degree. He clearly failed his family, but this isn't the same as the Clinton style purgery and bald faced lies we are being told by the elites.

    I can't stand either party. As far as holding the politicians up as something to admire or respect, I give them the same cred as Hollywood. It would be like watching Gene Simmons and wanting my family to be like that. I don't think so.

  2. I agree for the most part - this guy either adopted a don't-give-a-damn attitude or else is either dumber than I thought. The problem I have with immoral conservatives isn't that they are immoral but that they run on morality. I am the last person to challenge someone on their behavior - as delormewr would know - but seeing David Vitter campaign on God & Family with pictures of wife & kids and then get busted with a hooker 6 months later is pretty irritating. Campaign on your ideas and political convictions and spare me the God & Family crap if you are going to get caught cheating on your wife while holding office. To Sanford's credit, he and his wife had been legally separated, but he still handled this badly and it's gonna cost him.
